Saturday, March 31, 2012

Topic of today's class: A Teepee On Mars

The mind is restless; it is always looking for a change. That is the nature of the mind. It can never be satisfied. It might rebel and want you to go live in a teepee in the mountains. After a while it won't be happy with your teepee on the mountaintop; it will think that only putting a teepee in the valley will make you happy. Once you are in the valley, it will want a teepee on Mars. There is no limit for the mind's restlessness.

You have to educate the mind. Ask it: "Why do you want to go to the mountain?""To find peace there.""Why do you want to come down?""I am tired of that and want to be with people."

What does it all mean? That you are trying to borrow happiness from outside. Once you realize that peace and joy are always within you, you will be happy no matter where you are. Whether you are in the valley or in the mountains, it is the same thing.

Whether you are on the earth or on Mars, it is the same thing. Wherever you are, you should have a purpose. Go to the mountain for a purpose; come down for a purpose. And don't let that purpose be a selfish one. The purpose should be for the benefit of others, for service to humanity.

Om Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthi
Courtesy of Sri Swami Satchidananda

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The human mind...

Just to follow up the previous post: 

Couples yoga today

Breathtaking and empowering!

I am researching some inspirational poses for a couple yoga class I am going to teach today... I found this video, which really makes me high... Surely, it's more acro partner yoga style, but still, you can realize, how strong and powerful our bodies & spirits (too) can be! Breathtaking...

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday recipe: Dairy-Free Cocoa-Mocha Milkshake

That sounds so yummy!
2 cups vanilla hemp, coconut or almond milk
1 cup ice
1 large, ripe banana, frozen
1 tbsp almond butter
1 shot free-trade espresso (brewed) or 1 serving of cocoa spice tea, steeped in 1/2 cup boiling water, then chilled
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 scoop plant-based chocolate protein or 3 tsp cocoa powder
1 tsp mesquite pod meal*
2 tsp cacao nibs (optional)

Pour all ingredients into blender; blend until smooth.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Bring spring energy from outside to inside

I 've cleaned and rearranged my shoe cabinet today! So now I can not only enjoy the look, but also have a quick, clean and easy access to the 'spring-summer collection'. Feng shui  life force energy enters to home through the front door, coat racks and shoe cabinets. Its principles worked out great, after the cleaning I feel lighter, more open and playful for hot spring and summer.

These were my shoe storage rules:
1. Must be chic 
2. Must be practical
3. Must fit into current space requirements
4. Must be portable

Feng Shui experts believe that the clutter we keep around us is a mirror reflection of what is happening in both our consciousness and our life. They believe that as you begin to clean out your clutter not only does your external landscape change, but so does your internal landscape. When we have clutter our space is literally blocked, energy or chi cannot move freely. This is a similar dynamic to excess weight. When we carry excess weight our energy is limited, we can’t move as easily, our bodies ability to function optimally is blocked.

P.S Love below creative ideas too ;-)

Friday, March 23, 2012

A Beautiful Eye

Judging others is an act of the ego; it's a kind of arrogance. It means that you think you're a great person and all the others are fools. Others may have a problem, but to judge them means that you have at least one kind of problem yourself: the problem of constantly criticizing people. You are actually no different from them. Before you see a mote in their eyes, see the beam in your own eye.

The vulture flies so high, higher than many birds. It can see far and wide. But where will its eyes be? On a dead and decayed body somewhere. It soars beautifully and high; but it doesn't cast its eyes on good, holy things, only on decayed matter. An ordinary fly looks for filthy matter to sit on, while a honeybee will fly past many other things to look for even a little bit of nectar on a flower.

You see certain things in others because you have the eye to see it. If you have a beautiful eye, you will see only beauty. Know that everyone has some sort of weakness. A person who doesn't have any weakness at all won't even be on this earth.

Don't have the kind of eye that finds faults in others. Be humble and correct your own problems.

Om Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthi
by Sri Swami Satchidananda

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Yoga on the Rooftop

  1. A survey - defining demand for yoga classes on the rooftop, preferred schedule and level of students - is sent out. 
  2. Roof top ad poster is done.
  3. Next steps, by Fri. Mar. 23rd: To analyse survey results, print posters and distribute it with RSVP mails to students.
  4. Official start: Mon. Mar, 26th.

Book now!To see online schedule and rsvp your spot on the Roof click here:

Friday, March 16, 2012

Yoga Cookie Cutters

What a lovely idea is invented by Yummi Yogi - the website seems to be under development, so, you can get idea of cookies on the old one, here.

Orders to be sent to:

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day dreaming ...

Set a new goal for 2013: to attent Baron Baptiste teacher training immersion program!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

8 min. of full radiant Flow by Janet Stone

Beautiful and powerful sequence by Janet Stone, launching her powerful Svadharma Immersion in YogaTree @ Castro, SF ($375, 10 days, 20 hrs. Mar, 16 - 26).

Enjoy practicing it,

Friday, March 9, 2012

YoKid Challenge

I spent a great-sunny Sunday on March 4th, 2012 working with YoKid ...Stretch your limits.
We practiced yoga, specifically challenged kids, their parents and friends with 108 Sun Salutation! Then everyone was awarded with healthy eating presentation by Cathy Burke that followed with juicy coconut water, fresh fruits & snacks.

I sincerely encourage those who do not have kids running around in house (like I do 'as for now') to find the TIME and dedicate it to little ones! You will get SO SO MUCH back... It may sound a bit simple, but really, kids (even when they scream loudly and do not behave well:-), they energize you for weeks and bring youth - joy - easiness to your mind! Just give it a try and see how it feels :)

P.S. May be these ecstatic feelings only happen when you spend only once or twice a week with kids...I don't know, but, as for now I just enjoy the moment!


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tax Breaks for Yoga Teachers

Employee vs. independent contract?
As an independent contractor, you can deduct from your taxable income any necessary expenses related to your business. According to the IRS, a "business expense," to be deductible, must be "both ordinary and necessary." An "ordinary expense" is one that is common and accepted in your industry. A "necessary expense" is one that is helpful and appropriate for your trade or business. For example, if you use wood or foam blocks as props, or throw a vegetarian party to discuss a new contract, rent payment of your own home, where you do privates - all those costs would likely qualify as a deductible business expense; so too would your yoga mat, folding chairs, blankets, and straps. .>>> Sounds good.

Full story read here:  Yogajournal

P.S. Love the image of this lady on the right. :-)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Pillars of Raw Healing & Medicinal Raw Webinar

I'm not yet there, but I do follow the Raw Food Institute on fb and subscribed to newsletters. So, I know that one day - one day I will on a better path, eating only raw.

And as for now, sharing with you an inspirational webinar with Lisa Wilson, Director and Founder of the Institute.
It was enlightening for me to learn that frozen fruits / vegetables loose half vitamins and 100% enzymes.

by The Raw Food Institute TV Network