Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Music in yoga class

I was thinking to collect here a different perspective and experience about yoga music for classes. Let's start by posting favorite artists or tracks...
  • Jai Uttal - Nataraja - this is one of my favorite tracks today.
  • Anugama - Tantric Day 
  • Sade - Cherish the day  - I love her voice, rythm, personality, everything and do vinyassa in my private sadhana) Can this music go in class, what do you think??? 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Potluck Numero Dos !!

Thank you Suria for hosting the potluck.
Here is a tool to copy the event in your own calendar & mark/comment on your presence.
See you soon!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

School of Yogi Fish

I shared our experience of last weekend's session and some of the concepts Alanna introduced to us with my younger sister, who is also a yogi, and she asked me to write about it for her blog.

I haven't been able to stop seeing the beautiful syncing of life forces everyday since! Hope you all enjoy :)

Here's the post:http://bennisinc.wordpress.com/2011/11/17/entrainment-a-school-of-yogi-fish/

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Surya Namaskar A and B

Many thanks to Christy for scripting Syrya Namaskar A and B in Sanscrit:

Surya Namaskar A:
Exhale samasthiti
Inhale urdhva hastasana
Exhale uttanasana
Inhale ardha uttanasana
Exhale chaturanga dandasana
Inhale urdhva mukha svanasana
Exhale adho mukha svanasana
Inhale, Exhale 1 . . . 5
Inhale (jump or step to) ardha uttanasana
Exhale uttanasana
Inhale urdhva hastasana
Exhale samasthiti

Welcome yogis!

So, we have now 6 official authors of this blog. Hope, more to come!
Authors can post, change, modify content of pages, blog, calendars and create pages.

Yoga Sutra with Alanna Kaivalya

Listen to podcast on Yoga Sutra with Alanna Kaivalya.

Lying on Your Bedroom Floor

Why Lying Broken in a Pile on Your Bedroom Floor is a Good Idea. ~ Julie (JC) Peters

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Buy one jewelry, get one tree.

Gold Lace Hoops, $88

OM inspired and unique handcrafted silver & gold jewelry, designed by my friend - Dream Mullick.
Take your time and review the collection. And if you decide to buy anything one day, know that they plant a tree for every piece of jewelry purchased.