Theme of today's Yoga on the Roof class is legs-legs-legs. Summer is ahead, right?

- 3-legged downdog, chair, standing splits, warrior III, eagle poses, goddess, etc. -> toning of upper and low leg muscles and opening tight hips.
- And our closure is about the Universal Love....

Universal love means to see the same Self in everything. Unlimited, unconditional love is universal. If you have universal love, there is not even a single thing you dislike. You love everything, even the mosquitoes that bite you. You don't dislike them; you simply say, "Well, mosquito, that is the purpose for which you were created. You are doing your job in biting me. I am doing my job and saying, `Please get out."' You don't stop loving the mosquito. But loving the mosquito doesn't mean allowing it to bite you. Often people think, "Because I love that mosquito, I can not chase it away." That's not so. You can love the poison, but you don't have to swallow it. Om. by Sri Swami Satchidananda ©